Order of Service (Weekday Services – Wednesday & Fridays) | Celestial Church of Christ


This Service guides was borne of desire to ensure we have quality service guides that will last, also simplifying the services in Celestial Church of Christ for new converts and younger generation. This service guides is a self teaching, you only need to know how to read, and by following step by step guides, you will avoid making mistakes others made when conducting a service.

It is essential that will follow the mode of worship as laid down by Reverend Pastor and Founder of Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide in person of Rev. S.B.J. Oshoffa. The visitation of our Lord Jesus on the first Sunday of August 1954 to the Church where He spoke with Prophet Pastor Founder S.B.J. Oshoffa and Reverend Pastor A.A. Bada stated that all the worship that we conduct in Celestial Church of Christ are acceptable to the Father.